What’s the Story II – KMSKA

From November 28th, 2024  until January 9th 2025
In the Royal Museum of  Koninklijk Museum voor Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA)


What’s the Story? is all about the dialogue between the collection and contemporary artists. In a free, associative way, curator Nico Van Hout and co-curator Erno Vroonen place the works in thematic ensembles, challenging the audience to discover for themselves connections between today’s artists and their soulmates from the past. 

This second edition of What’s the Story? features three new themes: Life and Death, Seduction, and Storytelling.

Featuring work by
Evelyne Axell, Maen Florin, Kati Heck, Jozef Legrand,
Rinus Van de VeldeAnne-Mie Van Kerckhoven and Liliane Vertessen.

More info on  the KMSKA website