4th Triennial of Contemporary Art , ‘(dis) CONNECTED’, Duffel

14.09.2022 – 20.11.2022

4th Triennial of Contemporary Art
University Psychiatric Center, Duffel

Stationstraat 22 c
2570 Duffel


According to the British-Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, we live in ‘liquid times’. The old solid structures and institutional frameworks, which formed the foundation of society, are falling apart today and must make way for processes that are constantly in motion. The pace at which society changes and innovates today is so fast that no fixed patterns can emerge.
One consequence is that society is becoming an unpredictable complex system, in which there is little dependence and connection between individuals. Despite the high degree of autonomy to determine the meaning and goals of life, there is great uncertainty and fear of what the future holds. This can be characterized as indeterminacy, loneliness and uprooting.
The exhibition ‘VERBINDING (verbroken) / (dis)CONNECTED’ aims to explore this social theme in all its consequences, both critical and hopeful.

With work by: Marina Abramović & Ulay, Ben Benaouisse, Wim Cuyvers, Gao Brothers, Anouk De Clercq, Olivier De Vos, Sarah De Vos, Ilke De Vries, Anno Dijkstra, Joëlle Dubois, Maen Florin, Jean-Luc Godard, Marc Maet, Neo Matloga, Kris Martin, Bruce Nauman, Zhigang Tang, Ingel Vaikla, Philippe Vandenberg, Guido van der Werve, Luc Van Eycken, Leon Vranken, Andy Warhol, Artur Żmijewski, …

Curators : Hans martens, Luc Pelgrims, Christian Verschelden


Art triënnal Beaufort 2021: Benjamin in De Haan (Wenduine)

21 Belgian and international artists will create a sculptural work for Beaufort 21. These art works will be shown during 6 months on primal public locations in Belgian coastal towns.

Curator Heidi Ballet: “A recurring theme in the art works of this edition of Beaufort is the way humans are subjected to nature’s will.”